A brother I know who signed up told me that he should be hitting his 30 hours by his own estimations either this Thursday or Friday, at the latest on Saturday. He told me that after he hits it, he's not going out for the rest of the month. I gotta kick out of that as it reaffirmed for me that for many JWs the ministry is about quanitity, not quality. Most could care less about sharing any so called good news, they just want to make their time.
At our congregation, the enthusiasm for this special month of activity has clearly declined since last year. We had like 40 something last year, this year we have a little over 20. I didn't sign up for it last year, and ditto for this year too. To me this whole special month of activity is disrespectful to those who auxilliary pioneer throughout the year periodically, and it shows just how trivial pioneering is in itself anyway. It's like giving people a coupon for one month in the year so that they can have a title and feel special. It's ridiculous to hand out a title based on triviality, and pioneering in itself is non-scriptural and adding to the word, and creates class distinctions in the process.
By the way, you ever notice that Regular Pioneers, Auxilliary Pioneers, and those that dont even make the national average in hours, all end up with exactly the same results? That being, zilch?